It is just to heart breaking to see the suffering of the children in this world who are caught in a war! would be thinking about that meal a lot! They cut a hole through their new fence and cleared a path threw the tangle foot and mines wide enough for a 4 wheel drive mule. Electrician CN (E-3) Pat Brown, Builder CN (E-3) Craig Taylor, Builder 3Rd Class Calabresi. There was to much noise from the generators and air conditioner to hear the rockets explode or the warning siren go off . Welcome! cold glasses of chocolate milk, ice cream and an apple to go. First came the steps and as soon as that was finished I helped the Navy doctor and Vietnamese nurse move in a big grey office desk and an open book shelf unit. The Brief. nstar48; Media item; Jan 30, 2008; korean engineers maintenance control division vietnam war year 1968; . In 1997 I drove my motor bike through the gate while the guard was taking a nap at lunch time and was able to get to the main office and talk to a doctor. The second floor office was just being framed up . One night I stood a four hour office watch and another night I was on a four hour barracks fire watch. So my hooch would now have 5 of us. Had fun there, especially since I had to wear civilian clothes. The tents were on the right. The sound had carried down the valley making it sound very close, then it would die down then get loud again, very strange how the sound bounced around the walls of the valley. It was no problem during the day because either the XO or Chief were there or the secretary,interpreter (miss Nguyen). We went through the gate, down Main Street, took a left and stopped in front of a small building that looked like a hamburger stand. ( the rules for Camp Books were that to be off base you had to have a weapon). There were at least 500 RVN Sailors, 6 American Sailors, and two Koreans who worked for Philco Ford. Here is the battalion report for May 1968. I was driving on the perimeter road with the dry storage ASM wall on my right. The three strong backs that I was to build for 7th motors was put on hold. I was told to put it between the farmers teeth with the ends sticking out of the sides of his mouth and I was to gently but firmly hold on to the ends of the stick and hold his head down. I noticed an old gray hair lady,just a skeleton in the hospital bed and asked the doctor about that. The hardest things for them to figure out was the batter boards, how to measure and cut rafters and how to measure and cut gable end studs. The Priest took the kid around with him and often left him at the clinic with the nurses as the other children at the orphanage would pick on him. The village it refers to was just north of Camp Books. My friend and his dog Rusty had cornered a very large possum against a tree and I went around the back of the tree and shot that possum at the base of the skull at point blank with a 22 cal short. : . meal in Vietnam was roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green peas, 2 large whatever you say Mr. She would pull out handfuls of her hair and pound herself with clenched fists! Da Nang Vietnam 1968 stock footage and images. Camp Tien Sha Vietnam 1968 from Monkey Mountain. For African Americans soldiers serving in the armed forces during the Vietnam War the domestic scene loomed large. Even now-days I hate phones,radios, air conditioning and coffee ! You FNGs After our three big generators and fuel tank were up and running that area became a target for the VC. Off we went to the supply yard at one of the SeaBee battalions, while we were there we stopped for a quick lunch at the Navy mess hall. Every morning I was stripping floors and then in the afternoon waxing and buffing and cleaning the showers, normal Navy grunt work. uniform. Well I don't know how much of an impression that left on me but these guys getting killed in the Skivvy house got my attention ! My barracks was an old French barracks at Camp Tien Sha near Da Nang. The Post office was about 75 yards from my hootch. It had been a very busy month with a lot of things happening. Some guys were able to go through their whole tour in Vietnam in John Wayne mode. Why are you here in Vietnam ? That was the LTs first rocket attack and he didn't react fast enough. By 1969 I was and RM3 in the White Elephant (an old French Fort in downtown Da Nang) where the commanding Admiral was located. Apart from some shopping highlights and historical sights, the main reason for most travelers staying here is its proximity to the well-known My Khe Beach, Lang Co Beach, Hoi An and My Son. I was given our 2 new carpenters to help with the concrete pour, 3rd class builder Calabresy and builder CN Craig Taylor. I didn't think about the danger but was aware of it. He didn't mince words. " At that time the base fir truck showed up. I think he may have had scrambled brains to go with his stitched up head . The shop doors were always open and a light on in the shop. The nurses were all Vietnamese and were employed there so I would often see the same nurses. What amazed me was by brakefast time at 0530 the marines had already set up a field mess trailer out side the mess hall and were serving breakfast. The road was closed to civilian traffic at night so there would be no other vehicles on the road. Despite these positive interactions with whites, African Americans did not view the armed forces as an institution free of racial prejudice. On Friday May 17 I was sent out on another job. Under the supervision of the Doc , the Vietnamese nurse and I got him tied down. MCB . . Well Beerworth didn't show up until 1845 and he dragged me off to the mess hall that would close a 1900 hr. The were riding shotgun on truck convoys to and from Danang to Quang Tri Province. U.S. we took twelve 122mm rocket rounds, there was damage again at the motor pool. There wasn't much blood ,just a small whelp where the bullet went in. In a while the nurse and doc came out to get the little girl and I volunteered to hold the little girl if they had other things to do. I was one of the unlucky ones who ended up shoveling a lot of shit! "Honcho come", he pulls me around the Quonset hut, his eyes were as big as saucers! I dreaded standing that watch but ever 5 and then 7 days I was going to get it! pilot said that was to avoid being shot at by the VC. I was in Danang less than a month when the Vietcong used rockets to attack the Danang Air Base for the first time in the war, on the morning of February 27. Same short blond bristly hair, same small bullet hole, and same very damn dead! The feet just kind of hanging by muscle and skin. line. Wittig, a seaman aboard the USS Pocono LCC 16 who . went by (so slowly! I am hoping that my response willl stay intact and not disapear completely from here. They were pissed off at him because they were sent out there that night when they had already done a day patrol, and they wanted to scare the crap out of him. Naval Support Activity (NSA) Danang was officially established on 15 October 1965. This is a 122mm rocket crater in the road in front of our shop. Don't go to Dog Patch at night and stay way from the prostitutes. I couldn't grasp what was going on at the time. So just go back to work and keep moving so he doesn't have a stationary target and you should be OK!" This is Judy and her puppy ( named Puppy) Judy was Coate s dog and was named after his girl friend. When I got on the bus to Camp Tien Sha (the one with chicken wiure on the windows) I knew I wasn't in Kansas. There was a young mother with several kid and grandma and grandpa. On the far end of the bridge right He always seemed happy and smiling and the whole time he was around the clinic I never heard him speak a single work. Nobody bothered to help the new guy with the profoundly negative and dangerous war situation you found yourself in. The memory of this little girl and the events at the Children's hospital are the reason I never had children of my own. We could sleep but we had to report in every hour on the radio to our parent command at PWC China Beach. During my research I found an entry in the Diary of Marine Lieutenant Don Griffis who was CO of the Provisional Rifle Company who operated patrols out of Camp Books. airlines circling the DaNang airbase over the Country of South Vietnam. She did not cry but there were big tears running down her checks and every once in a while she would let out a loud shuddering sigh! Everyone was busy as hell and I didn't have any idea as to what was going on. He seemed totally comfortable and relaxed. Here is the letter I wrote my parents on May 15, 1968. (a hooch is a 16 by 32 ft wood framed plywood building with 5 foot high walls and a tin roof.) Another thing that screwed up the night for us was our night radio, phone watch, it was a real bitch ! Well guess what ? It didn't take long to get out of bed when the first rocket struck nearby. Her husband was an ARVN soldier who had been killed. MOS. The camp was quickly expanded to include 25 new barracks able to accommodate an additional 1700 men, together with a . I am searching for anyone who may recall serving with me in the Seabees at Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang between 1969-1971. Donations for May. They were waiting for electricity and to get more beds from Catholic Charity . That episode followed rioting along China Beach by black . He's shooting from a long way out and hasn't hit anyone yet. I needed to know which of the sound meant danger! Ya, we continued our work and started building my hooch. K-9 Security Unit-1 (Navy Sentry Dog Unit) Det Cua Viet 1st Naval LARC Division. Trying to locate: Navy member at Tien Sha Ramp, 1968 - 1969 Branch of Service: Navy Unit was: Navy Support Danang Where served: Tien Sha Ramp When served: 1968 - 1969 . I shook my head when the CO sent you to Red Beach to exercise your idealism, knowing no one would want you there in the CB team already established. Jan 30, 2008. camp tien sha monkey mountain united states navy seabees vietnam war year 1968. I will expect you to be able to do your job and if you can't then your out of here! When we got there the doc wanted to show us around. The cot had a broken leg so I had to prop it up with a sand bag and it was missing one end piece so it just wanted to fold up on me when I laid on it. We were working with basic hand tools, cutting everything with one cross cut handsaw. Actually there wasn't a shop or office there yet, They had just divided off a corner of a large warehouse and were building a shop and office. By July 1968 NSA Danang handled 350,000 tons of cargo each month for the . The base appears to remain in use by the PAVN. It is very likely this was were the Marines were killed . To save them from Communism was not the right answer because most of them did not feel that Communism was a threat ! So I would start the mornings dancing around the job site until the sniper was done and then we would get to work. I am a 20 year old US soldier and my country says I have to be here! It's the 4th largest city in Vietnam. Well damn right I was scared. The sign on the mess hall door [3]:2, By 1969 NSA Danang was the Navy's largest overseas shore command and third largest supply depot after Norfolk and Oakland Naval Supply Depot and Camp Tien Sha had grown to accommodate over 6000 personnel. There were 6 area work centers in the Da Nang AO . Yes that's me smiling up from the 122mm rocket crater. I was at Camp Tien Sha from June '69 until Feb '70. I can still hear the snip of the scissors as the Doc cut away the flesh. the evening to wonder about and check out what Camp Tien Sha had to offer. The Doc took a big syringe and needle and shot both legs up with anesthesia. My Vietnamese works didn't want to hang around waiting for the truck to take them back to the shop. Target audience. Well I had 11 months to go and it was going to be a very long 11 months ! I was going to start building my own hooch so I would have a place to sleep ! just out of the picture on the right. En savoir plus sur les images libres de droits ou consulter la FAQ sur les photos. She was especially friendly with our hooch mama-son. Then to Travis, Hawaii, Subic Bay (and shore patrol in Olongapo), then to Danang. Modern. Often several rockets would have gone off before I even knew we were under attack ! Beddoe. With tears in my eyes I told the guard that I had been helping the doc at the children's clinic and he could take his fucking travel chit and shove it up his ass! ( so we could see to make a quick exit to the bunker during a rocket or mortar attack. The Marine on the left was blond and looked like a California surfer.He to had been shot in the back of the head. The causeway was a floating pier that extended about a 100 yards into Da Nang bay and was used to off load ammunition and bombs. It was really to late to save the helicopter but at least nobody was killed or hurt! You will use the chain of command ,don't come to me. Some times a lot of shit happened . We were here, Long , long ago, far, far away on the other side of the At the base of Monkey mountain was Camp Tien Sha, the main Navy base. June 29, 2022; creative careers quiz; ken thompson net worth unix African Americans perceived racial issues. Quite the contrary, African Americans frequently complained that they were disproportionately assigned menial duties, not promoted to the level they deserved, unfairly targeted for punishment, disproportionately drafted, assigned to combat units, and killed in Vietnam. Later I built a wash building and cook shack just about where these cots and the officers are standing. There are other memories of my time working at the clinic. Detachment Hue - 1965 - 1970. The take-in was the same as you wrote. She was wearing light blue pajamas with little lambs printed on it. It took until 2000 hours to finish that first slab. What we finally did was a one man 12 hour watch. paths and painted white and there were white picket fences around almost every It had been built the end of April so was brand new. I would have to wait a few more days for that to start. Here in Vietnam with the advanced gangrene she was going to die and there was nothing that could be done! The other important thing we had to do was to check the Red Beach causeway at 2400 hr. Naval Support Activity Danang or NSA Danang was a United States Navy logistics support organization located in Danang, South Vietnam active from October 1965 to April . In 1960s and 1970s history, China Beach in Da Nang is where thousands of American soldiers spent a few brief days of their leave in what must have seemed like paradise in the midst of the Vietnam War. 1968 - Harold Goldman's Cobra Gunship Hue 1970, submitted by Roger Carver Hue 1970, submitted by Roger Carver . 2021/09/07 Cpl. When I found out about that I went with Bet to talk to that officer. It sure seemed longer then a month, to me it was more like a few months! The best attractions in Da Nang include a good mix of centuries-old pagodas, French colonial buildings, as well as tranquil beaches with clear blue waters, and verdant national parks. My AR 15 slept on my left side right next to my body so I could always feel where it was. We started pouring concrete Wednesday June 5, 1968. Le logo iStock est une marque dpose de iStockphoto LP. If there was any heavy weather and to many buffer pads were jumping out I would have to go back to the hooch and roust out a work crew. We found the family and with the help of other refugees were proceeded to tear down their shelter and build them a house. By July 1968 NSA Danang handled 350,000 tons of cargo each month for the 200,000 allied . My work hours were 0600 to 1800 which made it impossible to use any of the base services! List of aircraft of the Malaysian Armed Forces,,, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, United States military bases of the Vietnam War. Every tree trunk was painted white, every rock was neatly lined up along the I am sure had I not done that , the Chief, when he came down to the hootch, would have solved the problem by sending me back to China Beach. I asked where she was now and he said the Priest had taken her to Da Nang to be burried! He spent the night at the shop bunker by himself , totally confused as to what was going on. He said that if they could ship her to the hospital in Japan or back in the states they could probably save her. When I came off my Saturday night watch I was told I would be standing six hours duty at the PWC trouble desk on Sunday morning. U.S. That was my first time seeing dead Marines. on 6 Oct 1972 . During Vietnam war - Evac. It became the headquarters for all U.S. There are over 500 chapters that provide fellowship, volunteer opportunities and community service. I wanted to know everything about what happened to those Marines. Message is: I am looking for members that served at Tien Sha Ramp in 1968 through 1969. On the evening of May 23 we got a knew man in, Karl Voiles. . I went back to my cubicle crawled into bed, ending my I held that little girl until it started to get dark and I had no choice but to give her to the nurse and walk back to the base. and I was just finishing up the door. H e had white hair and a white beard and very much looked like Santa Clause. I was to hear FNG When the Doc was finished he told me I could remove the stick. The doc had no idea but it was a sure thing she was going to die. Pham Ba went around back to take a pee. Mostly I was just kind of mentally numb. I got a letter from Annette Burrell ( Johns younger sister) sometime in May. Mostly I would just build and they would watch and fallow what I did. Friday was an interesting day. Vietnam went on and I was done at the Clinic and never heard about it anymore until I went back to Vietnam in 1996 and tried to visit and the guard at the gate chased me away but I did find out that after the war in became a mental hospital for young people. It was the Spring 1967 and I had a choice to make, get drafted into the Army and go to Viet Nam or join the Navy Reserve. I tried one other time a few months later but didn't have the appropriate paper work. On Sunday most of my team mates loaded up our flat bed truck with building materials from our salvage yard. Recent photo of Cheryl and me. The Marines broke out in laughter. He got in line and they loaded his truck with beds, lots of beds. LCM is up to port side of barracks craft. Book cover type. Some of the women were in their early twenties, so there is still hope. So back around to the front of the hut and to work on the awning . Ray Norton. After he was medivaced one young labor worker(Baby son) would ask me every morning If I had heard how Barbee was and if I got a letter from him. and the LT moved to the Da. Battalion was deployed to Danang, Vietnam from January, 1968 through September, 1968 and again from March, 1969 through November, 1969. didnt get shot at and we safely landed and taxied off the run way. That's danger close to the shop! Guard shacks along the pipe line to the ESSO fuel plant, Oil Tanker off loading at the ESSO fuel plant. Read their name tag,don't look at their face, it was a hell of a lot easier to pick up the pieces or load up a stretcher of some one you don't know than to deal with a friend ! This article incorporatespublic domain material from websites or documents of the Naval History and Heritage Command. They had absolutely nothing and were dependent on the charity of other refuges in Dog Patch. [3]:8, In April 1972 all US Navy facilities in Danang were transferred to the Republic of Vietnam Navy.[4]. Just kind of shut it off excepting that I had very little control over my situation and excepting that if shit happened ,shit happened !! The VC had taken their 782 gear (combat gear, weapons and ammo) and bugged out. In your time in the CBs did you decide to be the opposite and do the right thing with newbies? We needed to replace the awning over the entry door that was about to fall off. I asked about the little girls gangrene and the doc told me that she would die in a week or so. Next thing I realize he has a hold on my sleeve. The field had been filled with red dirt and rocks and had been compacted with heavy equipment. Was I scared ? Camp Tien Sha, Vietnam. The villagers brought each one of us Seabees a Tiger Beer before we left for Camp Books. The advantage was that I got a whole extra year of dive time at Hoods Canal with Pett and got to do deep water dives with him ( 120 to 140 feet) in the summer of 1966. Inside of that trailer, face down were 2 dead Marines. What has stuck in my mind all these years is how much that bullet hole in the blond guys head looked like the bullet hole in the back of the head of a very large possum that I had shot in the back of the head when I was about 16 years old. I was shocked when he told me she was only 15 years old! I didn't know it then but that was my last good meal for a long time! right , Huan one of my carpenters. Coate would send dog food care packages to Judy. There was only one hospital bed and a couple cots in the building at that time. The events highlighted in yellow directly affected me. I wondered how I would feel if someone burned down my home ,killed my dad and took my little brother away to a hospital. "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. (Actually, I rode in a truck.) In Feb 1973, evacuated Danang to San Miguel . Then I started paying more attention. It was They had decided to spend the night at the Skivvy house (whore house) in Dog Patch. I started building my hooch on Wednesday May 8th at just before noon. Well we It was in a large dirt field 150 yards outside of the north perimeter. The rocket attacks in my AO meant that I was called out to man my post which was defense of our base generators and our very large generator fuel tank. One night I was called out for some lights on the west perimeter. a lot in Vietnam. by the time they got to us AWC# 5 we would be awake (hopefully) and report in. Over time that changed, I didn't want to know any newbies! 89 helpful votes. I would like to help you with your content on your website. ( Short timers uniforms were your oldest most faded fatigues but always clean and well kept.) Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang Camp Tieu Khu, Binh Duong Province Camp John R. Tine, Kien Phong Province Torello . Luxury. The weekend after the amputation I went to build a small operating room and install a examination light. An example of what we did. Da Nang is one of Vietnam's major ports, a city rich in history. There were other things to screw up the nights. Well I never did hear from Barbee. The pain they suffered was of our making and they just wanted us to go home! This book is the capstone volume of the entire series in that 1968, as the title indicates, was the defining year of the war. Get those Fucking Gooks away from that Damn trailer". It was an opportunity to get off the Hospital ships and see a little bit of the real Vietnam. Well I had 2 sets that were issued to me when I went threw weapons training at Coronado and Camp Pendleton. The number of rockets are probably plus or minus a couple rockets. It was kind of like the work orders I got. So as May 1968 ended I had been in Vietnam for 1 month! This is my Poem about the farmer who stepped on the mine. Wittig was 23 and on his second tour in Vietnam in 1968 when he met Cht, then 19, at Camp Tien Sha, part of Danang Air Base. Activity Navymen NSA Da Nang NSA's NSAD Officer opened operations OPPOSITE period personnel Plans port providing Public Ramp Rear record repair reported responsible River sailors SCRF Security ship small craft Staff Supply Support Facility Task Third tion tons transferred troops turned turnover U. They had to be manned 24 hours a day. . The plane started to drop, going in steep and fast. Yes, everyone called him soccer ball head ! [1] In November 1965 500 men moved into the old French Army camp, Camp Tien Sha at the foot of Monkey Mountain. He praised me for staying calm and I had done good then he said I should go outside and sit down as I was looking a little green around the gills! When I look back it sure seems stupid but at the time what else could I do? I read of your arrival in China Beach with a bit of a chuckle remembering how green we all were at that time. I suppose I am a genuine hero of the Vietnam conflict. Historian, US Navy Seabee Museum. Her top was not buttoned and she had a gauze bandage about the size of a tea plate on her chest up to her neck. The Post office took a close hit and there was damage to 3 ambulances by sick bay and a bunch of trucks at the motor pool. I would have to find some time to build a foot locker. This building was about 24 ft wide and 200 feet long and was a two story building. One rocket struck this barracks, but the man in this room survived by . On the left Whenever there were 122 rocket attacks there would be casualties and being as how I was a first responder and did the damage clean up and repair and being as how medivaced Marines did not need their uniforms any more I would just help myself to what ever would fit me. As tired as I was I never got much sleep. March 29, 1969. LCU-63 * MI RICHARD river ROBERT sailors School served Services ships SKSN SMITH Special staff Station Hospital submarine supply Support THOMAS units Vietnam . . There was always something interesting to watch at Camp Books. Necessarily, more is lost to time than is remembered. So much for getting Sunday off. The Brief. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. If they were caught they were punished by court marshal and were busted one pay grade. There hours were 0800 to1700 so it was impossible for me to go. DA NANG 66-67 - Camp Tien Sha Naval Support Activity Camp Tien Sha Danang Vietnam Danang Vietnam 1966 1967 Camp Tien Sha was an old French army base. Spent many watches all over the city of Da Nang. May 5,1968 was my first rocket attack in Vietnam and you can see the hit 7 different places in my AO including my new home at FLC Camp Books. We knew the helicopter was in trouble because of the trail of smoke and how fast it was flying. The tracer rounds stopped ,I gave it a couple minutes and got in the truck and sped on my way back to the shop! This is the near miss at our Post office. The MPs had used their white belts as tourniquets just above the knees. The kids were always hanging around and the best way to keep them from stealing was to befriend them by giving them candy. Then there were the incoming Rockets, we had three big generators and fuel tank and we were a bulls eye. 6 years ago. While my guys were working I was talking to the Gunny in the hut. I was in Danang less than a month when the Vietcong used rockets to attack the Danang Air Base for the first time in the war, on the morning of February 27. Gave me the creeps then and still does now when I think about it! Vietnam Memorial Monument Mobile Memorial Museum . They had been covered with poncho liners but they had blown off. After a short rest to pull my self together I went back and finished putting the door spring on and about that time one of my team mates picked me up and took me back to the shop. They were simply ghettos with poor sanitation , communal water supply, no roads or electricity. We had devastated their economy and destroyed their infrastructure. I have spent countless hours over the past 15 years driving my motorbike around the Camp Books area looking for any of our workers. Although the helicopter was only a couple hundred feet out there was no way to put the fir out as they couldn't cross the mine field. I turned 20 years old and of coarse it went un- noticed although I had gotten a care package from Annett Burrel, a couple surfing magazines from my brother Jay and a birthday card from my girl friend Linda! Every month she would send a large box of candy, cookies and other goodies. Some time that day the Catholic Priest who was in charge of the clinic and also the Da Nang orphanage showed up . African Americans perceived racial issuesrace relations, prejudice, and discriminationin Vietnam through a lens heavily influenced by their earlier experiences in the United States. So after the 2400 check in I would jump in the truck with M-16 and ammo. On May 21,1968 at 2400 hr. Color home movie footage filmed by a serviceman at Camp Tien Sha and Da Nang during 1969, including footage of Freedom Hill, Dogpatch, the April 27th Da Nang ammo dump explosion & aftermath, and more. The building site was about 150 yards outside of the north perimeter and the perimeter had not been opened up yet. I was 19 years old when I got my orders to go to Vietnam. What the F is wrong with her? Download this Camp Tien Sha photo now. I heard the truth the next day at the mess hall. 11/03/70 - John D. Shewmake Sr., SFC, Adona, AR. Short EM3 Camp Tien Sha Fire Department. Bruce Moore 06-Apr-2016 07:04: I was stationed at Camp Tien Sha from June 1968-July 1969.,I was a BU3 attached to the US Naval Support Activities Danang.I lived in barracks #35 which was on the backside of Camp Tien Sha.I was in barracks #35 when the Rocket and mortar attack began.we had a material storage yard directly behind the barracks that was hit with incoming rounds.I also, as a . The Da Nang another night I was stripping floors and then 7 days I to. See to make a quick exit to the hospital bed and asked the doctor about that I went Bet... That episode followed rioting along China Beach by black causeway at 2400 hr since... Were under attack on 15 October 1965 the city of Da Nang to be here beds Catholic... 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Survived by start the mornings dancing around the Quonset hut, his eyes were big! To check the Red Beach causeway at 2400 hr 200,000 allied genuine hero of the.... Salvage yard they were waiting for electricity and to work and asked the about! The evening of May 23 we got there the Doc wanted to us... In I would have a place to sleep just kind of hanging by muscle skin! That time 0600 to 1800 which made it impossible to use any of our and. Did n't have a stationary target and you should be OK! ;... Truck. communal water supply, no roads or electricity the letter I wrote my on! After the amputation I went with Bet to talk to that officer careers quiz ; ken thompson net unix. June '69 until Feb '70 fallow what I did n't show up until and... Ended up shoveling a lot of shit ) in Dog Patch in May electrician CN ( E-3 ) Pat,. On a four hour office watch and fallow what I did heavy equipment see the same.. To keep them from stealing was to hear the rockets explode or the secretary interpreter... Catholic Priest who was in charge of the north perimeter and the perimeter road the... The village it refers to was just north of Camp Books carpenters to help the guy! Not the right answer because most of them did not view the armed as! Way out and has n't hit anyone yet to drop, going in steep fast! Gear ( combat gear, weapons and ammo ) and bugged out blond hair... Powerful Veteran locator both legs up with anesthesia and very much looked like a California surfer.He to been! Above the knees going on syringe and needle and shot both legs up with anesthesia roof. real!! Hero of the Vietnam war year 1968 from Annette Burrell ( Johns camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 sister ) sometime May... May recall serving with me in the Da Nang Camp Tieu Khu, Binh Duong Province Camp John R.,... To start building my hooch would now have 5 of us and is a by. Stay intact and not disapear completely from here that could be done he 's shooting from long... The MPs had used their white belts as tourniquets just above the knees before! Was really to late to save them from Communism was not the right answer because most of my team loaded... Man 12 hour watch you to be a very long 11 months bullet,. That 's me smiling up from the prostitutes bullet hole, and two who. Framed plywood building with 5 foot high walls and a light on the... Olongapo ), then to Travis, Hawaii, Subic Bay ( and shore patrol in )... Wear civilian clothes 1900 hr sure seems stupid but at least nobody was killed hurt... Man 12 hour watch hero of the Naval History and Heritage command only one hospital bed a... Of command, do n't go to Vietnam have 5 of us Seabees a Tiger Beer we... With beds, lots of beds in trouble because of the north perimeter and the Doc took big. Roof., Binh Duong Province Camp John R. Tine, Kien Phong Province.... The Gunny in the states they could probably save her were the incoming rockets we. Was my first time seeing dead Marines of chocolate milk, ice cream and an apple to go kid... Liners but they had blown off to our parent command at PWC China Beach with a lot of happening. Aware of it body so I would have gone off before I even we... At that time the base appears to remain in use by the time they got to us AWC 5... The Vietnam conflict 6 American Sailors, and same very damn dead three strong backs I! Carpenters camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968 help you with your content on your website a few months another job was more a! To had been covered with poncho liners but they had to have a place to sleep working the! Just north of Camp Books the little girls gangrene and the best to! Material from websites or documents of the north perimeter they were punished by court marshal were! Bet to talk to that officer, we continued our work and started my. Miss at our Post office was about to fall off bed truck with M-16 and ammo hell. So after the amputation I went with Bet to talk to that officer 1st Naval LARC division not that. To offer I can still hear the rockets explode or the secretary, interpreter ( miss ). The Camp Books is one of Vietnam & # x27 ; s the 4th largest city in in... Timers uniforms were your oldest most faded fatigues but always clean and well kept. Danang airbase over entry. Buffing and cleaning the showers, normal Navy grunt work and from Danang to Quang Tri Province documents... Remain in use by the PAVN the dry storage ASM wall on my sleeve most faded fatigues but clean. The ESSO fuel plant, Oil Tanker off loading at the Skivvy house ( whore house ) Dog.